Monday, April 2, 2012

Story of a Suicide

  Story of a Suicide is an article about the death of Tyler Clementi. But more so, it is a look into the teen psyche. Dharun Ravi, Clementi's roommate, is really the star of this article. It's his hateful words and his shady action both with this case and in his past that really make him into a "bad guy". I think we too have to look at the way that he was brought up. You can almost never blame only the child for having such negative thoughts. There is also the extremely important point of who he hangs out with, who his friends are. From the article, it seems to me that the people that Ravi hung around with are not the type of people that anyone should want to be friends with, which makes the point that Ravi is also probably someone no one would really want to be friends with.
  It's hard to judge how involved someone is in a case like this. It could be that even if Ravi never caught Clementi on the webcam that he could have still committed suicide. But it is also likely that Ravi's action were the last straw and Clementi finally just snapped. Regardless, it is a sad situation, that a life was lost and now a child's future is on the line.

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