Thursday, April 26, 2012


Who's standard is it though, seriously? Who's to say that my grammar is any better or worse than yours. I mean as long as it makes sense right? And, even if it doesn't make perfect sense, as long as you get the picture right? I for one cannot say, I'm a mere peon in the world of English and writing, however I do believe I have style. I do believe that I have a voice. I think Linda makes some valid points about substituting words for more powerful, stronger words that carry more meaning. She even modestly states that she herself is still unsure of whether or not she uses all grammar the right way.

Linda goes onto state that the way we talk and write is normally due to the way we were raised and the things we were taught. If you grew up saying y'all you'll probably use it in your writing! If you grew up thinking that there is their and they're is actually just theyre then you've got a long road ahead of you. "Most kids like the sound of their home language better." The fact is, in English class that's irrelevant, the language is the modern grammatically correct English language. That's how it is and always will be... well, probably.

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