Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Character Description of Shakespeare's Ophelia"

This essay by Kristina D. M. Deonaldo is a lengthy description of the character named Ophelia in the play "Hamlet." Ophelia is described as the daughter of Polonius and the sister of Laertes who are all very noble people in Denmark. Ophelia was hoping to marry Hamlet who is the heir to the throne of Denmark, however, Hamlet ends up killing Polonious which causes Ophelia to break down into a kind of depression that makes her look crazy towards people. Ophelia then dies by climbing up a tree and falling into a brook which drowns her. Hamlet then says that he truly loved her in the end.

I think the biggest question to ask about this essay is why did Ophelia die? Did she actually kill herself or was that not intended? I think since the tree limb was said to have broken, maybe Ophelia just went up their to collect her thoughts. However, because her father was killed by the person she once loved, she probably had no hope of happiness any longer. Also, did Hamlet truly love her as he challenged Laertes? I think that Hamlet could have just been trying to make himself feel better because, if Ophelia did kill herself, Hamlet could have been to blame for that.

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