Monday, April 23, 2012

Brians Essay

In Brian's essay, he tries to argue about the problem of alcohol abuse in the United States due to advertising. In the beginning he only discusses the difference in the two advertisements that are present. He then describes how the ads portray their liquor and they are both in a very opposite light. One is dark in color and seen as dangerous and sexy, and the other is white and seen as innocent and calm. He continues to state that it attracts gender in different ways as well. After all of this chatter about the two advertisements, Brian tries to come back on track and say that these ads should have a bigger label that has government warning. This warning would say that alcohol may impair ability to drive, cause health problems, and cause risk to pregnant women's babies. This warning is on the label, but just is not big enough for brian i guess. I think that a bigger label would not show alcohol in a better light because i think it is all up to responsibility. A person should be responsible for everything they do and willing to pay the consequence. That is what life is.

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