Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Writing to Connect" by Mary Pipher

Mary Pipher's "Writing to Connect" is basically about the reasons we write and that a lot of writing in the past has been able to make a big change in the world. She gives examples of people such as, Anne Frank and Upton Sinclair, who wrote about something to try to send an important message. Mary also explains how there are different ways of sending a message or a point through writing. Someone can make it very clear, express it through a fictional story, make it into a poem and much more. She describes the difference between an Expository writer, a Change writer and a Socially conscious writer. Mary then goes on to say that songs and films are also very good at making there point and changing the way people think.

Mary's essay truly spoke to me. there are many things in this world that people feel they have to need to say. Usually when they write about something, it means that they feel it is important enough to share with the world. This is why I hope to become a English teacher one day. I want more people to understand to effects of writing and how someone's point can get across even better with practice in it.

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