Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Bonehead Writing" - Craig Vetter

This article talks about Vetter teaching a beginner course for writing.  The course is targeted towards college students that don't meet the normal standards for writing.  Vetter is incredibly negative throughout the entire article because he feels the money and time put into these kinds of courses are wasteful because writing can't be taught in a cheery way since it is such a dreadful task.  He makes the comparison between the administration that are desperate to teach the students how to write and Helen Keller at the pump.  He claims the administration sound like "Helen Keller at the pump, waiting for a miracle." (Vetter 2)
Vetter is absolutely right.  Loving to write cannot be taught in a classroom.  The passion to write comes from the writer.  Even great writers, stated in Anne Lamott's "Shitty First Drafts", have trouble finding the spark when writing. Vetter has a right to tell his students the truth and that is that writing is a dreadful task.  Even if you put in hundreds of hours of distressing work, people will still probably not appreciate your work as much as you'd like.

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