Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ophelia synopsis

This synopsis is about the character Ophelia from the Shakespearean play, Hamlet. It talks about her reactions to the different things that Hamlet does throughout the play starting with Hamlets return to the kingdom to Ophelia's death. It also goes through the death of Ophelia's father, and how Ophelia's mother thinks that the death of her daughter is because of the stress of her father as well as the realization that Hamlet doesn't love her. 
This is a really accurate synopsis of Ophelia's character at least from my understanding from reading the play in high school. Ophelia is well portrayed in the synopsis. Its brief, but gives someone who might have never even heard of Hamlet a fairly descriptive account of Ophelia. I actually really love this play, and think that Ophelia is a complex and dense character. 

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