Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lady Shalott

Lady Shalott is a three part poem by Alfred Tennison about a woman who is cursed to never look at or go to the city of Camelot. She doesn't know what the curse will do to her, but she doesn't want to risk it, so she weaves all day and looks at the city through a mirror. However, when she see's Sir Lancelot, she decides that she doesn't care about the curse anymore and leaves her tower and gets on a boat to Camelot. On the way she dies, and when her boat drifts into Camelot, Lancelot is the only one who doesn't shun her and instead says something along the lines of its a shame that such beauty has died. 
I like this poem a lot. Sometimes its hard for me to get the whole story behind a poem but this one really clicked for me. I definitely enjoyed reading this poem  

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