Thursday, April 12, 2012

Shitty First Drafts

This essay was about writing shitty first drafts. Anne Lamott expresses how even she, a successful writer, has a shitty first draft. She explains that the first draft is important because you can express your ideas and basically write anything that comes to your mind without letting anyone see it or judge it. It's a messy draft that you go back to and take the things you wrote down and decide what you keep and what you don't. The importance of getting all your thoughts down, no matter how crazy or unorganized they may seem, there may be something amazing that you find in all the clutter of words.
I actually enjoyed reading this exert. I could completely relate to everything that Lamott stated about not stressing too much about making your first draft perfect. I also feel like people who love to write would look at Lamott as a role model and this idea of it being ok to have a shitty first draft would help them be more confident when starting an essay.

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