Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Response to "Lady Of Shalott," by Alfred Tennyson

"Lady of Shalott," by Alfred Tennyson, is poem about the titular character who is "cursed" and is stuck in her tower. According to the poem (and the author of the synopsis) all it took was the sight of Lancelot for the Lady of Shalott's curse to break. The synopsis of this poem explains in good detail the events that are taking place. Later, the author of the synopsis explains that the Lady of Shalott leaves the tower and arrives at a nearby palace where she manages to make everyone stare. However, Lancelot see's her beauty.

I believe that this story is about a woman who was cursed or sick in some way probably because she was in love with Lancelot. She climbed up into the tower and waited for him and was in a daze for a very long time. When she saw Lancelot, she was broken from that daze and went to see him. While everyone around did not recognize here, because she probably looked malnourished, Lancelot recognized her. Lancelot knew that all she needed was time to heal and she would be back to her beautiful self again.

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