Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sandra Boynton "The Five-Paragraph Theme"

"The Five-Paragraph Theme," by Sandra Boynton, is a small cartoon that portrays the ideal set up of an essay. Based on this graphic, she shows us where and how everything written in an essay should ideally be by drawing arrows to different parts of the body of a kind of monster like figure. For example, there is a tall horn on the head of the monster that stands out. Sandra has an arrow pointing to the horn and at the end of it she wrote, "THESIS STATEMENT (The main point of the theme.)" Here, Sandra explains what the thesis statement should be like and how it is something that clearly stands out.

What interested me the most about Sandra's drawing is that she decided that use a monster or reptilian looking creature as the base. She could have used something else, but she didn't. So why did she? I think that she was probably referring to the idea that no-one really likes writing essays. By using a scary looking creature for her drawing she shows that she understands this and that many of us who think about writing essays may feel as much displeasure as we would by seeing a scary monster.

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