Sunday, April 22, 2012


"Hamlet, nearby, then challenges Laertes and claims that he loved Ophelia more than "forty thousand" brothers could. This is probably the most meaningful line in the character description. In essence, it sums of Hamlet and his burning passion for Ophelia. I can honestly relate in this aspect; back in high school I fell for my best friends sister, and he made it clear that he wasn't cool with that happening. Little did he know, it turned into something I couldn't control. In the end the love was lost, but when I reminise on the past, let's just say I feel for Hamlet. Shakespeare is debatable the best romantic play writer of all time. His words flow at a pace only matched by a different piece that he has written. In this description, the author does a great job of summarizing the characters in the masterpiece of a composition; Hamlet. Hamlet can teach so many life lessons but it is probably the most difficult piece of writing I have ever read and attempted to interpret. Articles like this one should be a mandatory prerequisite before reading the real thing.

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