Monday, April 23, 2012

Response to Studnt Essay by Brian

This essay by Brian is about the addiction of alachol which is mainly caused by the advertising companies. He says that the color of the patron and belvedere ad had a major part in peoples alcoholism. He also goes into the mirror and window effect which was used in the belvedere. Then he also tells how the warning labels aren't shown enough and need to go into great detail of the use of alcohol.
I don't agree with much of anything that is said in this essay. Any ad that uses any color will be accused of using it to make a case for their product. The only thing he says with any validity is the use of the mirror and window effect. Other then that he says that these adds cause alcoholism. No! The people that see an alchol ad are effected in the choice of what drink they will purchase not the amount they want to drink. Going into what ever situation they are drinking they know how much or their body's will tell them when they have drank to much. An ad doesn't cause alcoholism it doesnt cause someone to drink. If they wanna drink they were already going to do it. The dilemma he has with the warning is also bullshit. The general public knows since fourth grade what happens when you drink and what happens when your an alcoholic. No ad causes alcoholism.

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