Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sample Student Essay Response

"The Privacy Dilemma", by Paul expresses his thoughts about technology and how it has made it easier for people to obtain information about almost anything. Paul specifically talks about an article written by Peter Singer titled, "Visible Man." The article focuses on the topic of people using social networks to relay information about their personal lives. Singer describes a non-profit organization, WikiLinks, that releases private media gathered from anonymous individuals, news links, and computer hackers. WikiLinks was founded by a man named Julian Assange. Julian Assange uses information that he finds and exposes it through this organization. Not only is this dangerous, but very careless. One dangerous outcome of his careless need to expose information was about the Kenyan government that led to an uprising causing 1,300 deaths and displaced 350,000. This proves that exposing private information is not always helpful to the public.
I completely agree with the thoughts that Paul states after reading the article. Although Singer makes some good points about people like Assange who do anything and everything to expose information that should be kept in private, I do not agree with his thoughts about social networking. His beliefs and opinions about social networking come off as biased in the article. He feels as if the world was a better place before technology. I do think that technology has caused some problems including privacy, but whose to say that the world was a safer place now or then. After all, if people didn't want anyone to know there business and life story, they could always just not get involved with social networks and technology of todays world.

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