Thursday, April 19, 2012

So what who cares

“So What? Who Cares” is an essay on the importance of completely and bluntly express the subject of what you are writing about. The author goes on to stress the reader needs to know what is at stake in the text, due to the usual assumptions of the writer. We then are told some of the best ways to include the reader is to actually ask their selves “So what?” and “Who cares?” The “so what” is the idea we want to be pushed onto the audience. Keeping this in mind the “Who Cares?” can describe who are audience is. Hopefully this helps us to truly involve our reader.
I thought this essay was easy to read and indomitable. Not to mention relatable. High school I would be peer editing a paper and through the whole thing I had no idea what the hell he was trying to tell me. As writers our reader should be number one in our mind. All too often we forget about this, and we lose the whole reason we are writing., which is to tell the writer something with no text lost in translation.

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