Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Privacy Dilemma

The Privacy Dilemma is one in which Paul Graul discusses how important privacy is and how it effects people and the government. Paul tends to blame a lot of this problem on the technology now a days. With everyone having facebooks and twitters and such, information is spreading quicker than ever and it seems that people's secrets and other privacies are in danger of coming out. WikiLeaks is an organization that releases private information, news leaks, and computer hackers. This organization is exposing everyone to private information about almost anything and is in fact causing death and displacement in Kenya. The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is responsible for this and he is even making very biased remarks that only show his side of the story and I do not agree with the way he went about writing this. This single man should not have the power to decide if private information should be leaked or not because he is just one person. Assange seems to be in this business mainly for the fame and he only wants people to know what he thinks, which is a very biased answer because, coming from a neutral perspective, Paul can even notice that Assange did not tell the full story. No one person should be able to make such rash decisions, and working together is the only way for governmental advancement.

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