Monday, April 23, 2012

"Teaching Standard English: Who's Standard?" by Linda Christensen

Christensen is a teacher trying to help her students to write with their thoughts without hiding them on paper, which a lot of students do because of the criticism. Students may feel uncomfortable writing their English in writing depending on how it may be prenounced at home compared to the rules of writing. In this article Christensen talks about how her student will not feel this way, and will learn to write or write better without feedback of a paper being terrible, but motivation on how to do better. She also had a problem with writing as a student, for example prenouncing lawyer as layer. I like how she mentions that she won't let a student feel like an outsider or a foreigner in the world on how to write and the rules of writing as she did. With this said she shows that she cares what her students are learning, which is important as a student to know. I have had plenty of experiences where a teacher wouldn't care if you understood or knew how to do something in the class, which made me feel left out, and in a way not care. It's important for a teacher to care about what or how the students are learning on that subject, such as Christensen does in English.

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