Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Shitty First Drafts"

"Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott is a quirky essay about how the first draft is almost always going to suck. But it helps writers develop their ideas into more substantial final drafts. 
   I like the way this essay shows that even successful writers have a hard time sometimes creating a piece. I always thought that if I were a good writer, I would be able to sit at a computer and crank out a masterpiece with in an hour. Only after receiving some less than satisfactory grades did I realize that writing drafts is the best way for me to review my work and make the necessary changes for it to be the piece that I want it to be. I think that Anne Lamott is absolutely correct in her view that first drafts are going to be shitty, but they are a great way for writers to get their basic idea out. 

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