Monday, April 23, 2012

The article "so what, who cares?" Is a unique one. It begins by listing a few random people in our society, whether individuals or in general, the point is; why does any of this matter? Why does anything matter!? The article goes onto say that these are the questions that more often than not go unanswered in compositions. This is because it is our job as the readers to take it upon ourselves to "figure our the answers on their own." The article goes on to give us a variety of techniques to cope with the questions we have like "so what" and "who cares." The question I have always had is "why?" Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why do we have hands? Why do we wear clothes? Why do we make music? Why do we have ambition? Why do we ask "why"??? With this in mind I kept reading the article only to find a summary paragraph boldy stating "what about readers who already know why it matters." This took me back a little bit, because how could someone, anyone know why it matters? Unfortunately, contrary to my own belief this last little portion was not about the "why" and it was more about whether or not we need to ask "so what" and "who cares" every time, which it states as a general rule, we should.

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