Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Synopsis of "Lady of Shalott" response

"Lady of Shalott" by Alfred Tennyson is about how the Lady of Shalott is cursed and cannot look directly at the world so she weaved a web to allow her to look at the world.  One day the bold and appealing Sir Lancelot rides down to Camelot.  She stops weaving and looks out her window towards Camelot which activates the curse.  She leaves her castle to pursue Lancelot and dies before arriving.  Her body arrives at Camelot.  Everyone is surprised, especially Lancelot, who says thinks she's lovely. 
The synopsis of this poem is incredibly helpful.  I would've missed some useful information because I didn't quite understand the fifth-eighth stanzas, which serve as important parts to the poem.  This poem is written beautifully and uses vivid working to portray vivid imagery.  

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