Friday, April 13, 2012

Response to The Privacy Dilemma

The Privacy Dilemma is an essay on privacy and how it is rapidly fleeting from everyday people. Since many people have Facebook, twitter and other means of communication that are public, a large number of people are able to view anything including private information. Therefore, there can be a lot of drama when people aren't thoughtful about what they want to say on the internet. The author blames the start of many problems as the fault of people not being smart about what they write or do on the the internet. The author explains that an organization named WikiLeaks is directly responsible for releasing private information and that could be a very serious problem to most people. 
I think the the author of this essay did a great job of setting up his paper. He makes everything flow very nicely and things are clear to understand. However, I believe that the author could have included better citation. The are parts where he mentions things, but they seems out of place and it would have been better if it was explained how well it fit into the essay.

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