Monday, April 23, 2012

Teaching Standard English

Linda Christensen points out the failure of teachers to help students find the creativity to write articles they would be proud of.  Also she shows her negativity towards how teachers pick on students because of how they pronounce words instead of listening to the message the student is trying to say.  She experienced the brutality of speaking the English language with an accent.  She claims that it took her years to get over the fear of speaking and that she would actually avoid saying some words because of people picking on the way she spoke.  She tries to teach her students in a different way in order to avoid passing on this trauma.
I agree with Linda.  I have personally experiened this at an early age in China.  The Chinese teachers pick on every wrong answer and they make fun of the student in front of the entire class.  Teachers are supposed to inspire their students towards the topic they teach, not punish them for being creative.  I agree with Linda when she points out that it matters what you say, not how you say it.

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