Monday, April 23, 2012

Sample Essay by Brian

Brian's essay was focused on the effects of alcohol on people and the idea that advertisements for alcohol should present their warnings more clearer. Brian describes two advertisements that put alcohol in a good light and compares and contrasts them. He talks about how most advertisements for alcohol make it sound like the best thing in the world. Of course, that is only because they want to sell their product. Brian then goes on to provide statistical facts about the detrimental affects of alcohol and provides plenty of reasons why it should be drunk in moderation.

I really liked all of Brian's essay and I have no complaints. The reason for this is probably because I have not had good experiences with alcohol when people I knew drank it. Nevertheless, I like the way he described the pictures and how he provided good statistical information and sources. The best part about his essay was the clear set up and that he provided clear samples of his images in the essay. This helped me understand everything he wrote. Even people who love drinking might be able to relate to him, because he covers up his biased nature by declaring the words "drink in moderation" and "only in special occasions." However, Brian still does not include any statistical information that is good about alcohol and that might make people not want to read his essay. Of course, the idea that alcohol is good is not the point that Brian wanted to get across anyway.

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