Monday, April 16, 2012

Response to Craig Vetter's "Bonehead Writing"

Craig Vetter's "Bonehead Writing" is portrayed as an introduction to a class of writing. Craig Vetter is the teacher and in the writing he greets the students and explains what the class that they are getting into is all about. He tells them that writing is not something that is easy and he doesn't blame them for being in such a basic writing level class. Vetter then goes on to explain that, in the class, they will be trained very hard in the way of writing and he highlights that it will be a very difficult thing to get used to. He explains that the hard part is being creative about your writing and thinking cleverly about everything. Lastly, Vetter ends the essay by asking why anyone would want to write in the first place if it is such a difficult thing to get right.

I like the tone that Vetter uses in his essay and how he makes us feel like we are in his class. He speaks about writing almost sarcastically as he explains how difficult it is and how challenging the class may turn out to be for them. I just wonder why Vetter doesn't seem to lighten up a little and re-assure the class that  even though it will be challenging, it will be worth it in the end and be helpful for the future? This is probably because he wants them to take it seriously. Even though he asks that question at the end, he wants his students to figure it out for themselves. I think the Vetter believes that he shouldn't allow his students to let their guard down.

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