Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Story of a Suicide Part One

In the first part of "The Story of a Suicide," Tyler Clementi was the victim of a suicide. He was a freshman at Rutgers University and had a roommate named Dharun Ravi. Ravi was on trial because he was intimidation biased towards his roommate, who was a homosexual. Ravi would post stuff on facebook and twitter with his friends that were extremely cruel and when Tyler Clementi saw it and could not take being ridiculed so much like this, he took his own life.
It amazes me how someone could go this far to push someone to do such a horrible thing to them self. I do not think that Ravi should be Blamed for the suicide, because he was not the one who actually killed Tyler. I am assuming that Tyler was insecure about things in his life considering he just tearfully came out to his parents right before college that he was gay. Knowing the situation Tyler was in, Ravi should have been more sympathetic towards Tyler. Although, with no evidence of a sex tape posted on the internet of Tyler, Ravi is not the cause of the suicide even though he played a significant role. Ravi should be charged with intimidation bias and invasion of privacy, and should have to pay the consequences of his actions because with all that Tyler was dealing with, this final humiliation by his own roommate could be the factor that made him jump off a bridge.

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