Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Wont Use Writing as Punishment

Roy Peter Clark Wrote an article about how using writing as a punishment, is dangerous to student learning and destructive to a students work in school. Clark points out that this discourages students to write creatively, and students often write with no structure or planning ahead of time. Clark's main point is that "all the positive elements of learning(organization, discovery, and communication) disappear," if writing is used as punishment.
I agree with Roy Peter Clark because using writing as a punishment will only make students think that writing is a bad thing and something that no one wants to do. By using writing as a punishment, creative writing is almost unheard of. I have not been told to use writing as punishment ever, but if I did I would imagine that I would not like it very much. Also if I were asked to write in my english class after being punished by writing, I would carry the habit of just writing because I had to into my other classes. No emotion would be shown in my writing, and I would just be sick of it. Using writing as a punishment is destructive to student learning

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