Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Response to "The Story of a Suicide" 2

In the second half of this article, we enter into the details of the events leading up to this unfortunate event. We learn many things on both sides of this story which somewhat describe why Ravi did the things he did. What it does not describe is the reason Tyler decided to do what he did at the George Washington bridge. We also learned more about how the attorneys planned to reason each side of the case, and the legality of the crimes brought upon Ravi.

Although there is so much self incrimination on Ravi's part with his twitter, when he is not trying to use his situation with his roommate as gossip, he seems to tolerate and possibly even like Tyler. He describes him as "mad nice" and doesn't bad talk him unless hes is putting on a show. Which says something about his character  that puts him in a slightly better light then before. Although describing someones behavior as being an asshole, doesn't make their actions carry any less weight. But without knowing the true reasons why Tyler killed himself, i don't think it is fair to attach such penalties to Ravi and send him to jail for five to ten years.

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