Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shitty First Drafts

Anne Lammot, a food review writer, wrote an essay on shitty first drafts, which suggests that anybody can make their writing look very professional. When you are writing an essay, the first draft is the most important part. It lays down the blueprint from which you are going to work with, and allows you to take out or keep any parts that are either interesting or unimportant. Like all good writers, you must start with a shitty first draft because first off no one will see it but you, it is only a first draft and will be revised, and finally it could open up possibilities to certain aspects of the essay that you may have not seen at first. Writing a shitty first draft is essential to any good writers final copy. I think that if you would not do this first draft, then a lot of information that you could possibly get, might not be there because you did not open up the doors to creative possibilities by doing a shitty first draft. It can help anybody anytime.

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