Sunday, April 1, 2012

Response to The Story of A Suicide by Ian Parker

     This article is about two people that were roomates in college, Tyler Clementi and Dharun Ravi who Ian Parker discusses about. Clementi had a chosen sexuality as gay, which Ravi was uncomfortable with, and took Clementi's sexuality as a target to bully or harass Clementi. Dharun exposed his privacy by putting a video tape in their room while he was with his partner. Many believe Dharun's bullying may be the reason for Clementi's suicide.
     I thought this article was shocking to read. I may have heard about it, but I didn't know of any details. I don't think that Ravi knew what the results would be possibly pushing Clementi to suicide or the consequences of his actions. I don't know what his punishment should be or what he should recieve as punishment, but there was a great deal of harrassment/bullying that took place.

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