Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Response: story of a suicide part 2

The second half of this article is filled with a lot more evidence and details Clementi's case, as well as how  Ravi behaved. For the simple fact that Ravi snooped on his privacy after Tyler specifically asked him for privacy is outrageous and highly innaporpriate. Also the fact the Ravi already had prejudices against Tyler, and the man he just saw makes this incident worse. Its not a crime to be curious, but it is a crime when those boundaries are broken. I think a big part of Ravi's actions were influenced greatly by the people he was surrounded with. It seems that those people were way more disgusted than Ravi, and their disgust fueled the flames of Ravi's distaste. My biggest problems with this whole case is that there was never any to reach out to Clementi until it was too late for him. There was too much deceit, lies, and hatred. Clementi was comfortable with himself, no doubt about it, it was at the hands of Ravi and his people that pushed him over the edge. No one understands how hard it is to be an open gay man in todays world, unless obviously you are. There are so many things that can push the gay community over the edge, and its situations like these where people need to start asking themselves who they are hurting, and why are those people hurting?

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