Monday, April 9, 2012

Her point is

Her point is, didn't have much of a point. The article seemed a bit repetitive, however did do a good job of explaining how to write a solid summary. A summary is a condensed version of a txt that extracts and presents main ideas in a way that does justice to the authors intentions. Basically to have a good summary is has to do justice! You have to keep in mind your own perspective while also putting yourself in the authors shoes; it's quite the dilemma. One tip to a great summary is trying to avoid he/she said, or sometimes refraining from using the first person I.e. (I, me, myself). Another suggestion would be to not say or discuss the article, but to argue it! Contradict yourself with your own contradiction! Lastly try to be objective, and most importantly walk a mile... No, make it 1000 miles in the authors shoes before even thinking about your own opinion.

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