Friday, March 30, 2012

Response to Roy Peter Clark

Roy Peter Clark's "I Will Not Use Writing as Punishment, I Will Not...," is about the problem with students and teachers regarding the idea of writing as a type of punishment. Clark tells us that when teachers use writing as a consequence of doing something bad, then students automatically associate writing with bad feelings and thoughts. Once teachers do this to children, they will continue to not like writing for the rest of their lives, because of the bad experiences. Clark goes on to suggest that he only way to fix the problem is to simply find alternative ways to discipline them. Writing should be portrayed as an amazing thing that allows students to express themselves, acquire knowledge, develop new skills and discover new ideas. I am very impressed wih everything that Clark has to say. I remember a time in grade school when even I was punished through writing. I understand where Clark is coming from when he says that teachers should provide alternatives to punishment, but what exactly does he mean? After all, writing as punishment truly is the easiest way to discipline students (many teachers have said so themselves as stated in the journal). What are some better alternatives to writing as punishment?

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