Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Models of Argument"

"Models of Argument" by Kristina Deonaldo seems to describe the basic set up and meaning of two separate ways to write up an argument in an essay. The first argument described is the "toulmin model." This model is good for arguments that do not show competing perspectives and are still in question. The steps to this model are, 1) claim, 2) data, 3) warrant, 4) backing, 5) rebuttal, and 6) qualifier. The next model that Kristina explains is the "rogerian model." This model focuses more on writing that feels more neutral and allows for separate viewpoints to be expressed. The steps to this model are 1) introduction, 2) neutral statement of the opponent's position, 3) neutral statement of the writer's position, 4) analysis, and 6) proposal. 

As much as I understand both of these models, I feel as though the Rogerian Model will be the best for my essay. Even though I am going to have my own opinion on my subject, I still will treat the other opinions as if they matter and they each have there own valid points. I like that Kristina described these models because it is going to be helpful for me when setting up my essay.

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