Thursday, April 5, 2012

Part two -suicide story

        In this second part of the story we got a good understanding of why Ravi acted the way he did and what major events led up to the suicide of Clementi. Therefore we saw it from the view on Clementi's side and the view of Ravi's side. The reasoning about why Tyler committed suicide is unknown. 
       I still believe that Ravi should not be blamed for the suicide. Yes he did play a big role in making Clementi maybe be self concious, but there is no proof behind his suicide. I also believe that Ravi somewhat liked Tyler as a friend. The way they talked about the text message that he sent him before he jumped off the bridge showed how Ravi actually felt, and it was a shame that Tyler already jumped and wasn't able to make amends with Ravi.
      I think showing quotes and comments made by other people helped to show the views of others and what their opinions were.

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