Rose discusses how the gap between educated school-speak and street-speak in his article. He says that the difference can be alienating for underprivileged youth and that, to change that, we need to give them more opportunities to write and explain why they feel left out.
I agree that there is a difference between the way we talk to our friends and family and to professors. I hadn't really thought of it before but I realize that I take extra effort to sound polite and professional when talking to or emailing professors as opposed to friends. I think that, besides students, this article was directed at teachers. It could possibly be a way to try and change the problem from both levels.
I like your idea of trying to change the problem from both levels. As a teacher, I try to make the material in my class accessible to those who are coming into it. I am afraid though that the students will not be equipped with the language they need to go further in their fields. I am always torn between making the material accessible and forcing them to learn what others _expect_ them to have learned.