Monday, April 30, 2012
"Writing to Connect" by Mary Pipher
Sunday, April 29, 2012
"Writing to Connect" by Mary Pipher
Mary's essay truly spoke to me. there are many things in this world that people feel they have to need to say. Usually when they write about something, it means that they feel it is important enough to share with the world. This is why I hope to become a English teacher one day. I want more people to understand to effects of writing and how someone's point can get across even better with practice in it.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Five Paragraph Theme
Brian's Sample Essay
Brian's Sample Essay
"The Five-Paragraph Theme"
I have never thought of writing this way. I mean it makes sense now.
Five Paragraph Theme
Linda goes onto state that the way we talk and write is normally due to the way we were raised and the things we were taught. If you grew up saying y'all you'll probably use it in your writing! If you grew up thinking that there is their and they're is actually just theyre then you've got a long road ahead of you. "Most kids like the sound of their home language better." The fact is, in English class that's irrelevant, the language is the modern grammatically correct English language. That's how it is and always will be... well, probably.
The article goes onto state some facts about alcohol abuse and the percentage (5.6% of Americans) that have a problem with alcohol. I think alcohol is a problem in the eyes of the beholder. If you drink 10 shots every night to ease your mind and cope with your stress; and you don't think you have a problem, then more power to you! All I can say is I hope you have fun with your liver in the future. Anyway, if you have one drink a night and feel depressed and hungover every morning and you think that you have a problem; well, I think you need to have a word with the dude who thinks he's okay taking 10 shots a night.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Five Paragraph Theme
This is a basic understanding of the structure of an essay. Teachers tend to teach the structures in different ways so it becomes very informal. I've had trouble with writing essays at times because I don't quite understand what is expected from each part of the essay.
The Five-Paragraph Theme
She also publishes a book called "The five-paragraph theme," where she gives a visual representation of the five paragraph theme as a monster. I thought this was a really creative way to illustrate the theme of five paragraphs.
Sandra Boynton "The Five-Paragraph Theme"
What interested me the most about Sandra's drawing is that she decided that use a monster or reptilian looking creature as the base. She could have used something else, but she didn't. So why did she? I think that she was probably referring to the idea that no-one really likes writing essays. By using a scary looking creature for her drawing she shows that she understands this and that many of us who think about writing essays may feel as much displeasure as we would by seeing a scary monster.
Sandra Boynton's Five-Paragraph Theme
I thought this was a humorous way to describe how a five paragraph block can be summed up. Although I don't necessarily believe it has too much educational value.
Sandra Boynton's Five-Paragraph Theme
Monday, April 23, 2012
Brian's Sample Essay
"Whose Standard"
Teaching Standard English Response
I like the fact that Christensen can relate to what she is talking about, and it helps me believe in what she says because she shares a personal experience. I completely agree with her claims that she has made. I do believe that some teachers are too careless right now. They always try to correct you in a manner that isn't aware of your feelings. Although I have never experienced feeling left out because I couldn't say something right or know how to spell or write something wrong all the time, I can still see where she is coming from.
Whose Standard
I understood this essay a lot. I believe that I am a good writer when I am doing something I enjoy. Yet people have told me before to revise my writing style and to write more like them. I do not believe this to be true at all. My writing style is unique and should be appreciated.
"Teaching Standard English: Whose Standard?"
I felt truly engaged in Linda's essay. I found the part when she describes her experience in her ninth grade class. I was shocked that the class was able to be so open about those problems and talk about them with peers. My peers have always made me the most nervous and to think that ninth graders were able to do that almost confounded me. However, after I thought about that, I realized that that is what writing does to a person. If a person feels confident enough to write about a problem then face, then they may already feel like that problem is out in the open because they put it down on paper. I know that when I write about something, I feel more relaxed about it and this is probably because I was already able to gather my thoughts and explain it rationally in words.
Sample student essay by Brian
"Teaching Standard English: Who's Standard?" by Linda Christensen
Sample Essay by Brian
I really liked all of Brian's essay and I have no complaints. The reason for this is probably because I have not had good experiences with alcohol when people I knew drank it. Nevertheless, I like the way he described the pictures and how he provided good statistical information and sources. The best part about his essay was the clear set up and that he provided clear samples of his images in the essay. This helped me understand everything he wrote. Even people who love drinking might be able to relate to him, because he covers up his biased nature by declaring the words "drink in moderation" and "only in special occasions." However, Brian still does not include any statistical information that is good about alcohol and that might make people not want to read his essay. Of course, the idea that alcohol is good is not the point that Brian wanted to get across anyway.
Teaching Standard English
Linda Christensen points out the failure of teachers to help students find the creativity to write articles they would be proud of. Also she shows her negativity towards how teachers pick on students because of how they pronounce words instead of listening to the message the student is trying to say. She experienced the brutality of speaking the English language with an accent. She claims that it took her years to get over the fear of speaking and that she would actually avoid saying some words because of people picking on the way she spoke. She tries to teach her students in a different way in order to avoid passing on this trauma.
I agree with Linda. I have personally experiened this at an early age in China. The Chinese teachers pick on every wrong answer and they make fun of the student in front of the entire class. Teachers are supposed to inspire their students towards the topic they teach, not punish them for being creative. I agree with Linda when she points out that it matters what you say, not how you say it.
Brian's Essay
This is a draft of the second essay written by Brian. He discusses the differences between the two different photographs and how they connect to alcoholism. He points out that while these ads are different in how they advertise their products, they both fail to warn readers about the dangers of drinking.
Alcoholism is an important problem to address. I believe that people should know better then to drink irresponsibly. It is the peoples' faults for making irresponsible choices, not the failure of the government to warn them. The risks are discussed all over the internet. If people wanted to know the dangers of drinking, they should search for it instead of asking the government and companies to provide all the information.
Linda Christensen
Brians Essay
"So What, Who Cares"
Response to Teaching Standard English
I agree with this essay because i am sure every student has gone through some type of humiliation, not just with English. But after this happens we want to just crawl into a corner and not do any work. It demotivates us as students to be thrown under a bus in front of our peers. It is more important to understand what is being said and not how it is being said. Take away the main ideas of what someone is trying to say.
I read Hamlet back in 10th grade but I couldn't remember a thing. This was a little bit of a refresher but still not connecting everything.
So What? Who Cares?
Response to Studnt Essay by Brian
I don't agree with much of anything that is said in this essay. Any ad that uses any color will be accused of using it to make a case for their product. The only thing he says with any validity is the use of the mirror and window effect. Other then that he says that these adds cause alcoholism. No! The people that see an alchol ad are effected in the choice of what drink they will purchase not the amount they want to drink. Going into what ever situation they are drinking they know how much or their body's will tell them when they have drank to much. An ad doesn't cause alcoholism it doesnt cause someone to drink. If they wanna drink they were already going to do it. The dilemma he has with the warning is also bullshit. The general public knows since fourth grade what happens when you drink and what happens when your an alcoholic. No ad causes alcoholism.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Synopsis of lady shallot
The Privacy
shitty first drafts
Jon Carrol Real time
Dharun Ravi NYT
So What? Who Cares?
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sample Student Essay
I really liked the way this essay has been written. The flow makes it easier to understand what is being written and makes it easy to follow. I think this essay gives a very good amount of information to compare and contrast the two different ads. It also provides textual support and includes a works cited page for people to refer to to determine how reliable the information is.
"So what? Who Cares?" Response
I think this is the the perfect title for this particular article. I say this because I relate to it so well. When I read an article I really have to be interested in it to read each and every word, if not, then I skim through it. I do believe that different ways to write or how the writing is portrayed plays a big role in a lot of the reasons people are attracted to a specific reading.
Ophelia Response
Lady of Shalott
Thursday, April 19, 2012
So what who cares
This is very important to me. I can read the most interesting article in the world, but if it doesn't pertain to me, I will not care what the article is talking about. It needs to be important to me to matter and if it's not, I will tune it out.
So What, Who Cares Response
I really enjoyed this article because like I said above, it was short and to the point. Another reason I enjoyed this article is because it ended with a question. That to me is so captivating, its draws us in one final time and leaves us thinking. That is the way to really make an impression with writing, especially when the message of the article to make people care!
So what who cares
"So What? Who Cares?"
I agree with the author. I'd like to be reminded of why I would read an article. When I read books with intellectual values, I usually make up reasons why I read it in order propel me to learn.
"So What? Who Cares" Saying Why It Matters
I really agree with the author of this essay. I definitely think that writers should be fully aware of their audience. Writers should make sure not to bore those who don't know much about the subject and excite those who really do. In the end, if no one would read your essay, then what is the point in writing it?
"So What? Who Cares?" Saying Why It Matters
Bonehead Writing
I agree with Vetter as some points because I think we do need to be creative, in that we like to write about things that interest us. When the topic interests us, we tend to write better because it's not something that is forced and being crammed down our throats.
Lady of Shalott
I was surprised that I liked this poem, because I am not a poetry fan.
The description of Ophelia depicts her well for someone who has never read Hamlet before. I read it in high school, so I knew already who she was, but this clarified it a bit.
Lady of Shalott and Ophelia
Lady Shalott
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Lady Shalott
Ophelia synopsis
Lady of Shalott and Ophelia.
Synnopsis Response
"Lady of Shalott"
The synopsis was super helpful because it made the poem easier to understand.
Response to Character Description of Ophelia
"Character Description of Shakespeare's Ophelia", by Kristina D. M. Deonaldo
"Character Description of Shakespeare's Ophelia"
We don't actually know if she actually killed herself. It could have been pure coincidence yet because she died we will never know. I personally believe she did not and that it was meant to be a tragic accident.
Synopsis of "Lady of Shalott" by Alfred Tennyson
Character Description of Shakespeare's Ophelia
I have never read Hamlet and have no idea what the plot is. I believe the description of Ophelia is very clear. I'm not sure why she went mad after her father's death or why she died. I believe it has to do with Hamlet, whether it was him breaking her heart or killing her father. Based on the description of Ophelia, I can tell that the book "Hamlet" has a similar plot to "Romeo and Juliet."
Synopsis of "Lady of Shalott" response
The synopsis of this poem is incredibly helpful. I would've missed some useful information because I didn't quite understand the fifth-eighth stanzas, which serve as important parts to the poem. This poem is written beautifully and uses vivid working to portray vivid imagery.
"Bonehead Writing" - Craig Vetter
Vetter is absolutely right. Loving to write cannot be taught in a classroom. The passion to write comes from the writer. Even great writers, stated in Anne Lamott's "Shitty First Drafts", have trouble finding the spark when writing. Vetter has a right to tell his students the truth and that is that writing is a dreadful task. Even if you put in hundreds of hours of distressing work, people will still probably not appreciate your work as much as you'd like.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Character Description of Shakespeare's Ophelia"
I think the biggest question to ask about this essay is why did Ophelia die? Did she actually kill herself or was that not intended? I think since the tree limb was said to have broken, maybe Ophelia just went up their to collect her thoughts. However, because her father was killed by the person she once loved, she probably had no hope of happiness any longer. Also, did Hamlet truly love her as he challenged Laertes? I think that Hamlet could have just been trying to make himself feel better because, if Ophelia did kill herself, Hamlet could have been to blame for that.
Response to "Lady Of Shalott," by Alfred Tennyson
I believe that this story is about a woman who was cursed or sick in some way probably because she was in love with Lancelot. She climbed up into the tower and waited for him and was in a daze for a very long time. When she saw Lancelot, she was broken from that daze and went to see him. While everyone around did not recognize here, because she probably looked malnourished, Lancelot recognized her. Lancelot knew that all she needed was time to heal and she would be back to her beautiful self again.
Craig Vetter "Bonehead Writing" Response
Bonehead Writing
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bonehead Writing
Response: Bone Head Writing
"Bonehead Writing"
Writing is very important but I don't think it needs all this excitement. Math and science classes should be the main focus of most schools.
Craig Vetter's "Bonehead Writing"
Response to Bonehead Writing
Vetter's "Bonehead Writing"
Vetter's "Bonehead Writing"
This is a good thing to recognize. Not everyone is on the same level when it comes to writing. Teachers could influence what you feel about writing and thus how you write. While others could have been inspired to greatness. Writing is difficult yet there is a reason we do it.
Response to Craig Vetter's "Bonehead Writing"
I like the tone that Vetter uses in his essay and how he makes us feel like we are in his class. He speaks about writing almost sarcastically as he explains how difficult it is and how challenging the class may turn out to be for them. I just wonder why Vetter doesn't seem to lighten up a little and re-assure the class that even though it will be challenging, it will be worth it in the end and be helpful for the future? This is probably because he wants them to take it seriously. Even though he asks that question at the end, he wants his students to figure it out for themselves. I think the Vetter believes that he shouldn't allow his students to let their guard down.
Craig Vetter "Bonehead Writing"
Friday, April 13, 2012
Response to The Privacy Dilemma
I think the the author of this essay did a great job of setting up his paper. He makes everything flow very nicely and things are clear to understand. However, I believe that the author could have included better citation. The are parts where he mentions things, but they seems out of place and it would have been better if it was explained how well it fit into the essay.
Privacy Dilemma
I agree with what Paul said about social networks. I mean, sure we are trading off our private lives with the technology but its totally our choice. For example, I can deactivate my facebook account or I can just not activate it from the beginning. There is no hacker in the world who is smart enough to hack something which doesn't exist.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Sample Student Essay Response
I completely agree with the thoughts that Paul states after reading the article. Although Singer makes some good points about people like Assange who do anything and everything to expose information that should be kept in private, I do not agree with his thoughts about social networking. His beliefs and opinions about social networking come off as biased in the article. He feels as if the world was a better place before technology. I do think that technology has caused some problems including privacy, but whose to say that the world was a safer place now or then. After all, if people didn't want anyone to know there business and life story, they could always just not get involved with social networks and technology of todays world.
Privacy Dilemma
The first paragraph does not cover what the rest of the article talks about. The rest of the article talks about how the article "Visible Man" and Wikileaks while the first paragraph serves as a background leading up to the article. It seems this isn't a professional essay or at least not yet.
Privacy Dilemma
I can totally understand, a future employer could see everything bad you did in college and denie you the job. I try to edit myself on the internet.
The Privacy Dilemma
Privacy Dilema
Paul mentions a site like wikileaks. Wikileaks is a horrible website dedicated to releasing our nations secrets. There is no excuse to endangering the lives of our troops in a needless way. This company should be shut down and the people sent to jail.
Privacy Dilema
The Privacy Dilemma
New York Times Response
Shitty First Drafts
I actually enjoyed reading this exert. I could completely relate to everything that Lamott stated about not stressing too much about making your first draft perfect. I also feel like people who love to write would look at Lamott as a role model and this idea of it being ok to have a shitty first draft would help them be more confident when starting an essay.
"Shitty First Drafts" by Anne Lamott
Shitty First Drafts
I would say the article is an extremely interesting article, because it talks about how authors deal with the first drafts. I like the article not only because I'm able to relate my fear of writing with theirs and also because the advices he is giving. I like the one particular advice where he said "First draft is the down draft-you just get it dow. The second draft is the up draft- you fix it up. You try to say what you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, where you check every tooth, to see if it's loose or cramped or decayed, or even, God help us, healthy" (Lammot 72)
Shitty First Drafts
"Shitty First Drafts" Response
Through Anne Lammot's process of writing a shitty first draft one gains ideas they otherwise wouldn't have. Writing a bad first draft also helps clean your paper up, by allowing the writer to decide first hand what they need in their paper and what can be cut. This essay appealed to me personally. Being the procrastinator I am, I often wait until the night before a paper is due and write just one first and final draft. Lammot has helped me realize exactly how destructive this procrastinating can be to my papers. For now on I plan to work ahead of the deadline so I can write a shitty first draft, then have time to build a final draft from that.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Dharun Ravi NYT
Shitty First Drafts
I really liked the way this essay was written. It was easy to read and I completely agreed with it. As a write, I am the least structured and I just pour everything out and then worry about structuring later. I find it a lot easier to just have a huge jumble of my thoughts and then go back and sort them and make it sound better.
"Shitty First Draft" Response
"Shitty First Drafts"
Shitty First Drafts
I absolutely understand. That is exactly how i've felt forever. I never understood the point of a rough draft because I believed that I was supposed to make it final. Its good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
"Shitty First Drafts"
"Shitty First Drafts" - Anne Lamott
Writing can be a pain. I constantly struggle to find any words to put on paper. My mind constantly runs in different directions and I would actually have to tell myself things that could be worse than writing. I thought it was interesting when Lamott talked about her experience at the hypnotist. I will consider trying the mouse in a jar technique before I begin writing.
Shitty First Drafts
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Response to "Shitty First Drafts"
Lastly, she goes on to tell us how to relax ourselves while writing and make the most out of it.
I like the authors tone and how she tries to comfort us by saying that every good writer writes terrible first drafts and how she isn't any different. Lamott's tone sounds as if she knew that college students (or anyone who want to write well) would most likely be reading this. So, she tried to appeal to them by adding a tone with a sense of humor. I have one question: "Why does she sound so bossy?" The only thing I don't particularly like is that it seems almost as if she doesn't expect her readers to have any other way to go about writing drafts other than what she says near the end of the essay. Or perhaps, it feels like she is ordering her readers to use her suggestions.
Response to "Tyler Clementi's parents: Justice done in Ravi's conviction"
I like how George provides two different viewpoints of how the Clementi case is considered to be an example of the effects of bullying. He allows for Ravi to have his say at the end leaving the readers to judge what they think about the case.
Monday, April 9, 2012
New York TImes Response
Dharun Ravi New York Times
Response to "Real-life problems in real time" By Jon Carroll
I like that Jon sympathizes with Ravi for a few paragraphs about posting things he'd like to talk about on the internet. He suggests that it is a natural thing for people to do. Therefore, he puts himself into the shoes of Ravi and also helps his readers do this too. However, I also agree with Jon that he still thinks Ravi is a very jerky kid and shouldn't have done what he did. He mentions that jerks, internet and ignorance are a very bad combination that result in behavior that is often not taken seriously.
Her point is
The story of a suicide p.1
Roy Peter Clark
Academic discourse
Friday, April 6, 2012
Response to NYT
Though this article was up to date it does not hold a candle to the article in the New Yorker, by Ian Parker. Ian Parker appeared to be not biased at all and this article came off as completely negative towards Dharun Ravi which loses the credibility of the author. When he says that "Tyler Clementi jumped to his death from the George Washington bridge on Sept 22, 2010, after discovering that Mr. Ravi had secretly streamed his romantic interlude over the internet." The author is suggesting that the only reason he jumped was because of this. Which is unknown at this time. He also says the romantic moment was streamed, which from my definition it is far from streamed.